#1: The Start of “My Journey”

My Late Night Thoughts (9:37 pm)

This is one of the earliest time’s that I have been home and I want to utilize it to be productive but I’m feeling a bit lost. During the ending months, weeks, of m last relationship, I feel like I knew what I would want. And leaving that relationship where I felt restrained, was supposed to be my propelling moment towards doing what’s best for me.


But as of now, I am sitting on this bed wondering how to best be productive.


I want to be someone who creates content. I want to teach people the stuff I know about human interaction and emotions. I want to help people become the best version of themselves by providing a safe haven for them to experiment with their identity.


But how?


You see; my issue is that I am a perfectionist. I feel like there are two types of perfectionists. One that does the work and continues to refine it because they will never be satisfied with the current state of the job once they learn of better methods. Two, the category I fall under, is the person who has a vision so grand that they get frustrated with the idea of starting at a quality lower than what they envision.


This vision for what I want my brand to be is genuinely beautiful but the fact that I can’t make it happen right now, honestly because I haven’t even started, is frustrating. But here is my start. I will post my journey of self-development onto this website in secret. None of these posts will be advertised or marketed on my behalf. This will serve as my online journal until I feel like my brand is taking the shape that I envision and then this will be public knowledge to my friends.


The Vision

I keep mentioning this grand vision I have for Untamed Beings and I’m sure you are curious to know what the vision entails. So let me try to describe it for you.


I want Untamed Beings to be a community. I want the term Untamed to be a brand. An adjective to describe someone who is actively making moves to become their ideal self and motivating others, either actively or passively, do the same.


I would like the focus to be on the expression of art and being able to accept and appreciate everyone’s art. The art form can be music, dance, graphic, movement, speech, whatever you happen to be passionate about. I want this platform to be a space where people can share their content and gain exposure.


Now on the education side of things, I love the conversation of self-development. But more specifically, self-development through the interactions of your peers. I strongly believe that we grow through the experiences we have with one another and the more open you allow yourself to be with someone, the more emotions you end up experiencing (because of your vulnerability), the better your opportunity for growth. I love taking these opportunities that can otherwise be traumatic experiences and using them as a springboard towards your ideal self. There’s always a lesson to be learned, there is always something to be grateful for, and being able to do all these things comes with a high level of emotional intelligence and maturity. And I feel like I can help people become competent in those areas by sharing a few points of perspective that may change their outlook and possibly click.


So yeah. During this series, you’ll hear about my journey in the dating scene. Discovering who I am as a lover and what I can provide to the world. You’ll witness how I will start to develop my own set of principles and morals based on my beliefs. You’ll experience my growth as a person through the friendships and relationships I build.


I will be completely honest when making these posts. Names will probably be altered because of privacy reasons but my mindset will be transparent. And it should be relatively easy to do since I’m talking to myself as of now haha.


But this will be my way of taking the small steps needed to make my vision come true.’



